Virtually everyone does laundry, but does everyone do it well? With so many different washers and products available it is natural to assume that the machine and detergent will take care of everything, but that is not always the case. Get your clothes their cleanest with this guide:

  • Adding too many items to the washer keeps them from getting truly clean. How much can your washer tub handle? The Spruce shows how to figure it out!
  • Never allow stains to dry, if possible. Even with the use of stain removers, not every set- in stain comes out. The American Cleaning Institute Stain Removal Guide has a solution for almost every stain under the sun!
  • Too much detergent can leave residue and actually cause stains! Measure carefully and add laundry boosters, such as borax or laundry soda, to get your laundry really clean.
  • Just like detergent use, adding extra bleach to a cycle of whites or towels will cause fabrics to eventually yellow and break down. Use the recommended amount on the bottle.
  • If you want that “clean” scent of “fresh” laundry, make your own scent booster with your favorite essential oil and Epsom salts. This is better for your laundry and the environment!
  • Ignoring hand-washing instructions can be a big mistake. When you do not have time to swish those pieces in the sink, use a garment bag and/or the delicate cycle on your machine, and lay items flat or hang them to dry.
  • Fabric softener can actually damage certain fibers, ie., athletic wear does not benefit from the softener because it coats the moisture-wicking fibers in the clothing. Adding one cup of white vinegar to the final rinse will remove detergent residue, and its strong scent fades quickly. Towels will be soft without softener when dried in the dryer.
  • Save the high-heat dryer cycle for towels and whites. Clothes may take longer on the low heat setting, but the lower temperature helps save your clothes from fading and shrinkage.
  • When you stop using fabric softeners or sheets, static from the dryer is the next issue. Try some aluminum foil balls–yes, aluminum foil!--and you will be finished with fabric softener sheets and static!

Change your way of thinking about doing laundry--not a job, but a process! It may add a few minutes to this chore, but you will benefit from longer-lasting clothes and less energy use, saving money in the end.

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   


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