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Tips for Getting Your Free 2016 Credit Report

by Tucker Robbins

credit score

Did you know that you are entitled to a free credit report once a year from all of the major credit reporting companies?  I don’t know about you but that is news to me!  If you are in the market to purchase a new home and have not had your credit report pulled lately you may be happy to find this news out!  By checking your credit report before you purchase a home or for any other reason for that matter you will be able to  see if there is anything on your credit report that is not accurate and remove it and you may also be able to find out if you have been the latest victim of identity theft.  The major credit reporting companies are Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian.  If you want to get your yearly free credit report  all you have to do is go to each of these sites and click on “Request Your Credit Reports”.  You can also send a letter to each of the three major credit reporting companies.   A few tips to follow are below.

  • Be sure that if you get on a credit report website and are asked for money that you do not respond. There are many hackers out there trying to get your information and this is just one of the many ways in which they do it. 
  • Do not give out your social security number unless you are on a site that you know is secure. 
  • Check your credit report every four months or so to be sure that your account hasn’t been compromised. 
  • There are credit monitoring companies you can hire to keep a watchful eye on your credit report if you feel it is necessary to do so. 

Again, be sure that you are not asked for any monies when trying to get your free credit report. Be assured that there are many companies out there that claim they will give you a free credit report only to ask you for your credit card information at the very last step.  Step away from those companies and continue with your search until you find one that lets you leave the page without asking for any form of payment.  Once you get your report you can then be on your way to making any changes needed to help improve your score.  When you get your credit where you want it and where it needs to be, the world will open up to you in ways you never thought possible. 

Courtesy of Wilmington DE Real Estate Expert Tucker Robbins.

Applying For a Home Mortgage? Here's What NOT To Say

by Tucker Robbins

cover mouth

Owning a home of your very own is exciting and is the American dream.  You should know however that when you apply for a home mortgage you need to be as honest as possible so that your dreams are not crushed at the last minute. Below are a few tips on what not to say when you are applying for a home mortgage.  You may think that a little white lie won’t get you into trouble when applying for a home mortgage but what most people don’t realize is that you will likely get caught in that lie and may end up not getting approved after all.   Also the penalties for such lies can be quite severe such as a 30 year prison sentence and a million dollar fine. 

  • If you don’t plan to live in the home in which you are getting a mortgage but rather you plan to rent the property out do NOT apply for a mortgage as your primary residence.  Default rates are higher on investment properties than they are on primary residences.  Down payments are larger on investment properties as well.  These are some of the reasons why folks try to lie about using the mortgage as their primary residence. 
  • Lying about how much money you make  to get a home mortgage is also a no-no.  If you try to lie about your income for the purposes of getting a better home mortgage you are very likely to get caught because your lender is going to verify your income by looking at your w-2’s as well as your tax returns. 
  • If you don’t have enough money for the down payment on your new home, you CAN borrow it from a family member or friend but if you do this you need to be sure to have the paperwork that supports the fact that it is a gift that you don’t have to repay otherwise it is considered a loan and the mortgage company will need to know about it.  This little white lie may seem harmless but it isn’t and it can get you into trouble with your mortgage lender. 

Basically, tell the truth about any and everything your mortgage lender asks you. If you want to have part of the American dream by owning your own home, don’t destroy the dream by lying.  Once you get your mortgage and you move into your new home you will be glad you did everything the right way and that you don’t have to worry about anything coming back on you in the future. 

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtor Tucker Robbins!

Ways to Downsize Your Home and Save Big

by Tucker Robbins

save money

Although the economy has improved some over the last few years, it doesn’t seem to be getting a whole lot better for most Americans.  A good way to save money is to downsize your home.  This is especially a good idea if you have already raised your family and you and your husband are left paying a mortgage on a home that is too large for you.  Let’s take a look at how downsizing your home will help you to save a bit of money, to live more comfortably as well as some easy ways that you can downsize.

  • One easy way to downsize is to look for a home that has a small garage or even no garage at all.  If you and your spouse are living in the home alone and your children are grown it is likely that you don’t have a bunch of stuff to store in a garage.  Buying a home without a garage is a great way to get more house for your money and to downsize your payment. 
  • Finding a home without a lot of land is another way to downsize and to save big.  You can find a lot of cute houses on the market these days that don’t have a ton of land with them.  It is also good to find a home without a lot of land if you are older and don’t have the stamina you once had to do all the yard work that is involved with a house with a lot of land attached. 
  • Buying a home that is one story is also a good way to downsize and to save when it comes to buying a new home.  Buying a home without stairs is good for when you get older as well because you won’t want to or may not be able to climb them once you get up in years. 
  • Realize that you don’t have to give up on the home of your dreams when you downsize.  There are plenty of adorable houses on the market that won’t break your bank account that are 1500 square feet or less.  Don’t let society dictate to you that you need a large house in order to fit in.  There are plenty of upsides to downsizing to a smaller home!

Once you set your mind in the right direction and you realize that you don’t need to have a huge house and that it’s no longer important to “keep up with the Jones’’ you will be well on your way to saving a lot of money.

Courtesy of New Castle County Realtor Tucker Robbins!

Looking to Buy a Home? 5 Mortgage Steps You Need to Know

by Tucker Robbins

home buyer

The home loan process can seem intimidating, especially for a first-time homebuyer. It is not a simple process, but it doesn't have to be too complicated. There are many resources available to help you prepare for your home buying journey, and your mortgage lender can answer the questions you have throughout the process.

Here are some of the key steps to the home loan process, as well as some tips to help you understand what you can expect:

1. Preparation and self-assessment

Before you dive head-first into buying a home, make sure that you know how much you can afford.  The first step is to calculate your "debt-to-income ratio." You can do this by adding up your current monthly bills then subtracting your total current income. This will help you determine whether you can afford a mortgage payment, and if so, what amount might fit into your budget. Using an online mortgage calculator is a good way to help you determine what the estimated cost of your monthly mortgage payment will be. Doing these calculations first will help you assess your resources and determine your budget to purchase a home.

2. The loan application

Download a blank loan application ahead of time so you can look it over and familiarize yourself with it. This will give you an idea of the information you need when completing and submitting the application. The necessary documents may include: proof of income, proof of employment for the past two years, proof of identity, proof of residency and your social security card.

3. Origination and Underwriting

Origination - The loan officer will review your financing options, work with you to complete the credit application and create the loan account.

Underwriting - An underwriter will review the application and determine the level of credit risk you represent based on your credit score, income, existing debt and down payment. You may be asked to provide additional information about your finances during this step.

4. Satisfying loan conditions and full loan approval

In this step, you will receive a "conditions to approval" list from your lender, which outlines the tasks you must complete before the loan can be closed. For example, the lender may ask for additional documentation to verify income, savings or emergency funds or other proof that you can afford to repay the loan. At this point in the process the lender may offer a conditional loan approval and start the document verification process. If you accept the conditional loan approval offer, once all conditions have been met, the lender will issue a full loan approval.

5. Processing

Once you've selected your dream home, you'll sign a purchase agreement with the seller. The purchase agreement tells the lender how much you have agreed to pay to purchase the home. The lender may then have the home appraised and will provide you with a copy of the appraisal.

6. Closing

In the final step of the process, the lender works with a title company to obtain and review a title report and then finalize your title on the home. The titling company receives a closing package, which contains the documents that need to be signed, recorded and become part of your mortgage loan file. At the closing, you will sign all closing documents and pay any closing costs. The lender then receives all of this signed paperwork to complete the process.

Once this process is complete, you're ready to move into your dream home. The home loan process may take some time, but these steps are well worth the wait. (BPT)

4 Things You Don't Want Your Home Inspector To Miss

by Tucker Robbins

home inspector

Home inspectors are good at their jobs but they are not above missing some things because they are human.   There are several things that home inspectors have been known to miss during a home inspection so you might want to keep your eyes open and pay close attention during the inspection so that you don’t end up having to pay for expensive repairs once you move in to your new home.   A few things that may be missed by your home inspector  are below.

  1. Inspectors do not always go over all the bells and whistles of a home and appliances are on the list of things they do not always pay a lot of attention to.  The last thing you want is to move into your new home to find out that you have a leaky dishwasher that needs to be replaced.  If you want to make sure appliances have not been overlooked you may want to check them yourself. 
  2. Leaky faucets are also things that can be overlooked by home inspectors.  Take your time to walk through your soon to be new home and check the faucets for leaks just in case your inspector may have missed something.   It’s a good idea to check outdoor faucets as well.
  3. Cracked sewage and drainage pipes might also be something that your inspector doesn’t take a look at and may therefore miss.  It may be worth your while to pay a bit of extra money to have an in depth look at your drainage pipes. 
  4. Sometimes home inspectors will not pay a lot of attention to decks, porches and balconies.  There can be problems in these areas such as safety issues and cracks that may not arise until right before you make the purchase of the home.  Perhaps a second follow up inspection may be a good idea if you feel that one of these areas may be a potential problem. 

Again, home inspectors are human and they are not above missing some potential problems  with your new home.  Realize this fact before you have your home inspection so that you too can keep your eyes open for any potential problems you see in and around your prospective new home.  Once you move in you will be able to rest assured that you have not bought into a money pit. 

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtor Tucker Robbins!

Veterans Housing Update

by Tucker Robbins

veterand day

Over the years there hasn’t been that much to talk about when it came to housing for Veterans but as the months and years go by things are beginning to look up for those who have protected our country and are still continuing to do so.  With Veteran’s Day being this week, it seems a good time to look at a few ways that veterans housing is improving for the better.   

  • Many companies are beginning to get on the band wagon of helping out veterans in our country.  One of those companies is the Arizona Fisher House.  This facility will provide housing for vets and their families who are being treated in medical facilities in Tucson Arizona.  This housing will be temporary while the vets are being treated but it will be provided at no charge to the veterans.   
  •  Homes For Heroes  is an awesome program that allows veterans as well as other home town heroes a chance to own a home of their own.  In order to find out more about homes for heroes you can look them up online.  This program offers great discounts to veterans and their families so that their dream of owning their own home can become a reality. 
  • Marmion Apartments in Los Angeles is offering housing for 24 veterans and their families as well as 24 low income families.  There are almost 3,000 homeless veterans in Los Angeles alone.  That number is not acceptable and this is one of the reasons why changes are finally being made. 
  • In Green Bay Wisconsin Veteran’s Manor will be opening in June for Veterans who need a place in which to live.  This location will offer 50 one bedroom apartments in which to house 50 veterans and their families. 
  • If Tennessee is where you call home you may want to check out Patriot Place which is a 34 unit apartment complex for Vets and their families. 

These are just a few ways that things are beginning to look up in the housing market for veterans.  I believe as time goes on we will see programs like this in our local community.  After all veterans have done and how much they and their families have sacrificed their lives for our country’s freedom, this is the least that can be done.  If you see a Veteran today, be sure to offer them your sincere thanks and appreciation for your freedom! 

Courtesy of Wilmington DE Realtor Tucker Robbins.

Buying a Short Sale Property? What You Need to Know...

by Tucker Robbins

short sale

Short sales can represent interesting investment opportunities but keep in mind they are not a typical transaction. The owners will be getting exactly zero out of selling their home – but they might be preventing a foreclosure damaging their credit even more. The short sale lender will be getting less than the amount of the mortgage out of the sale – sometimes considerably less. You write up an Agreement of Sale, the sellers agree, but now the hurry up and wait game starts as you await the short sale lenders response/approval. Even so, there are things you need to know on the way in:

  1. You will have little or no control over the transaction and at times there will be frustratingly little information on what is happening. The short sale lender will only deal with the buyer or the buyer’s short sale negotiator. You, your realtor (we of course recommend The Robbins Team), or your attorney will not be able to get any information from them directly. You will need patience.
  2. Short Sale Purchases are not automatically a good deal. Sometimes it is amazing how difficult some lenders are at reconciling their valuation with real market value.
  3. The experience of the short sale negotiator is a factor. When they present a preliminary HUD-1 to the short sale lender it must be substantially similar to the final one. Home Owner Association dues and sewer/water bills, for example must be included. If unexpected expenses to the short sale lender come up shortly before settlement, they can kill the deal. There are several commercial entities in our area that specialize in short sale negotiations, but they normally charge around 3%. This fee is paid by the buyer (usually offset by including 3% settlement help in the contract of sale).
  4. Potentially there is very little seller motivation – they are not getting anything out of it.
  5. Short sale lenders can change the terms of the contract, but you, as the buyer, are not obligated to accept the changes – think of it like it’s a counter offer.
  6. Other offers can come in after yours has been submitted to the lender – creating an auction type situation – depending on which short sale lender is involved. You will have no recourse if the lender accepts another offer – unless you put in the contract wording that “Until this offer has been responded to, the seller will not consider any offers within the short sale approval period”. The problem is the buyer cannot back out until either the short sale lender rejects the offer or the short sale contingency date has passed. Some short sale lenders will strike such clauses.
  7. Some short sale lenders (Nationstar Mortgage is the only one I am aware of, but there could be more) will actually put your offer in an online auction for 2 – 3 months to see if they can get more money. I would also avoid Ocwen Financial.
  8. Under the home inspection contingencies “within 10 business days of short sale approval all utilities will be turned on” is a good clause to add for your protection. You want the utilities to be on for you home inspection.
  9. Be sure you understand that in spite of home inspections, the property is really being sold “As-Is”. Even though the contract might not say that, the home inspection is defacto “As-Is”. The seller will likely not do any work and the short sale lender practically never does. The main purpose of the home inspection is to find out what is wrong with the property and decide if you want to go forward. If you are getting an FHA or VA mortgage be aware they have no escape clause for repairs. There are times that buyers will have to do required repairs at their own expense in order to satisfy FHA or VA mortgage inspections. FHA and VA financing requires they must be done before settlement and they don’t allow escrows. If you are going to do repairs before settlement, be sure you have approval to do such and be aware that if you do not purchase the property, there is basically no recourse to recoup the repair investment.
  10. If the seller has a USDA mortgage, the USDA does not release the seller from a deficiency amount until after settlement in spite of the seller having a short sale approval from the bank.
  11. Settlement Statement Approval – the seller’s mortgage company can have different requirements as to how different expenses are shown on the settlement statement than how the buyer’s mortgage company wants the expenses shown. This can cause delays in settlement.
  12. Many times the seller must be delinquent on their mortgage before the lender will even consider a short sale. This can delay the process even further if you have to wait until the seller is delinquent for several months before starting the short sale process. Some lenders will even require the seller to go through a class before they can start the short sale process.
  13. Short sale lender approvals for people selling investment properties are much more frequently not approved.
  14.  When the short sale is approved, the deficiency (the difference between what is owed by the seller and the amount the short sale lender will actually receive) can be an issue. It can go to the seller in 3 ways:
    1. Excused (Obviously seller preferred – though it can have tax consequences, where the IRS treats the deficiency as income, but congress passed laws that prevent that – but they haven’t been extended yet to cover 2015).
    2. A note (where the seller will make periodic payments to the short sale lender after settlement to cover some percentage of the deficiency).
    3. Left as an open issue (The short sale is approved but the short sale lender don’t say what happens to the deficiency – a somewhat scary situation for the seller)
  15. If it is a HAFA mortgage company, the process provides any 2nd mortgage holder must also approve the Short Sale.
  16. The settlement might never happen. The seller could abandon the deal. The buyer might find another property or run out of patience. The short sale might not be approved. A vacant property (especially one without power) could be damaged or vandalized.

By Tucker Robbins, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
(302) 777-7744 |

Avoiding Home Buying Nightmares

by Tucker Robbins

buyer beware

You have just found out that you have been approved to buy a new home.  I am sure you are super excited as this is one of the most exciting times in your life.  I would suggest that you slow down your excitement just for a moment to consider the following warnings before you begin your search.  Once you have taking time to breathe in and out for a moment and have taken into consideration all that may come your way, get ready to have a great time searching for your dream home! Below are a few warnings for potential home buyers and tips on how to handle these warnings. 

  • Buying a fixer upper may be more expensive than you can afford.  If you do decide to go the route of a short sale or  foreclosure  be sure that you not only have the funds needed to do so, but that you have a lot of patience as well.   If you are someone who has patience and you are willing to wait a while, you may find that buying a home that is being sold as a short sale or a foreclosure to be the way to go if you want more for your money. 
  • Don’t ignore issues that a home inspector finds.  If the home inspector finds issues with the house that are going to cost you a lot of money out of pocket to fix, you may want to consider negotiating with the seller for covering the cost of these issues.
  • If you see issues while touring a home, always point it out to your Realtor and ask them about it.  If your Realtor is a good and respectful Realtor, he or she will take the issue seriously and will talk with you about the next steps you should take if you are interested in making an offer on that particular house. 
  • If the home you are considering has had additions in the past, make sure to have these additions checked out to make sure they are up to code.  You can check with the county that the home is in to look over the work permits to make sure things were done correctly and to ease your mind. 

Once you get all of your questions and concerns addressed, you will then likely feel more comfortable moving forward with making an offer on the home of your dreams.

Tips When Attending an Open House

by Tucker Robbins

If you are in the market for a new house, don't be scared to attend open houses.  As long as you go armed with the knowledge of what might be asked of you at an open house you should be ready to answer without worry or hesitation. Keep in mind that Realtors who hold open houses are not like used car salesmen, they are there to help you find the home of your dreams. Be polite and remember your open house etiquette when touring an open house. 

open house

  • You may be asked at an open house how long you have been looking for a home.  This question is only asked to find out just how serious you are about purchasing a home and in what time frame you are planning to do so.  For example if you have already been looking for a few months then you are most likely more than ready to hone in on exactly what type of house you are looking for.  Be very specific with your answer to this question.
  • Another question you may be asked at an open house is if you already have an agent you are working with.  This question is asked because the Realtor wants to know if they can represent you in your search for a new home.  You may be asked who your agent is if you already have one.  Don't hesitate to give out names because all the Realtor wants to do is call your agent for feedback instead of bothering you with such things.  By answering this question you are keeping yourself from having to give out any of your own personal information.  This way you have a buffer between you and the Realtor who is holding the open house.
  • You may be asked if you are looking to buy in the specific neighborhood in which the open house is being held.  The Realtor is not trying to get all into your business by asking this question, he or she is just trying to find out if you really are serious about making a home purchase and what area you are interested in.  Just be honest with your answer, there is no right or wrong answer here. 

The main thing I would suggest to you when attending an open house is that you go in with an open mind.  Be willing to open up and answer any questions you might be asked with a clear honest answer.   You never know you may just be walking right in to your new dream home!

Lower Mortgage Payments for Our Service Men and Women

by Tucker Robbins

Military families are going to like what the Obama Administration has been up to lately.  A new agreement was made last year to lower the mortgage payments of those who fight for our country.  The agreement was made with five of the nation's largest mortgage lenders; Wells Fargo, Ocwen Loan Servicing, CitiMortgage, Bank of America and Quicken Loans. 

american home

These new lower mortgage payments are going to help military families in the following ways:

  • Give military families a little wiggle room when it comes to paying their bills
  • Aid military families in being able to fight for our country while providing for their families back home
  • Make military families aware that this type of help does exist and is available to them

Some military families are not aware that help from the government to lower their mortgage  has been in place for some time.  This new service will help every military family to know that it is available to them and will also make it much less of a hassle for them to receive. The big banks and financial institutions will now be notifying service men and women who qualify for lower rates.  These institutions will also make it very easy to enroll in the program.   

It is expected that thousands of military families will benefit from this new program.   It will be so nice for those who are serving us in such an honorable way to receive back a little from the government and for more military families to be able to own their own home.  Not only that, but many of these military families who take advantage of the governments help to lower their monthly mortgage payment will also be able to send their children to college or even be able to put some back to retire on. 

I personally give the government two thumbs up for this new assistance to military families.  It is a perfect time to show those who fight for our freedom just how much they are appreciated. 

Displaying blog entries 131-140 of 158




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Contact Information

Photo of Tucker Robbins Real Estate
Tucker Robbins
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
3838 Kennett Pike
Wilmington DE 19807
(302) 777-7744 (direct)