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Home Decorating and Design Trends for 2018 for New Castle County, DE

by Tucker Robbins

A new year means that new home decorating and design trends are being featured in magazines, on blogs, and at home shows.  If you like to stay on top of the newest ideas and get an itch to get to the paint store when you see the most recent magazine layouts, here are just a few of things that are trending now. 


  • - In spite of what we see on house flipping television shows, the open floor plan is losing some popularity.  People are starting to define their open spaces with small partitions, paint, and other clever ways. 

  • - Natural things like wood, botanical prints and florals are still hot.  Wood is still king in the flooring department, and wallpapers and fabrics will be featuring natural prints. 

  • - For kitchen countertops, quartz is moving up the ranks because of its beauty and ease of care--it doesn’t need sealing like marble and granite, and it’s also heat resistant. 

  • - Accent walls are painted in bold colors, or covered with wood or bold-printed wallpapers. 

  • - Metallic pieces are making a comeback.  Finishes in brass and even stainless black are taking over stainless steel and brushed nickel.  Good thing that mixed metals are an acceptable look. 

  • - Larger tile on floors and backsplashes are coming in style, but the classic subway tile is still number one because of the clean, classic look it has. 

  • - Concrete is showing up in unusual places, like flooring and walls.   

  • - Smart technology is being integrated into almost every room of the house, including the bathroom


    -Vanity mirrors with smart screens built in, chromatherapy, and touch-free fixtures are becoming more popular and affordable.   


    - Trends in lighting are still leaning towards the vintage look, but pendants are especially stylish, and brass is the new brushed nickel. 


    The definition of trend, according to Merriam-Webster, is “a prevailing tendency or inclination; a general movement.”  In other words, trends are temporary, even if they last for years. Make it easy on yourself if you love a new look, and try a few ideas in your home, but don’t undergo a complete remodeling to meet today’s en vogue styles.  Stick to easily changeable trends, such as throw pillows, slipcovers, paint, and wall coverings.



    Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   





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Late Winter Gardening Maintenance for New Castle County, DE

by Tucker Robbins

Birds are singing, the days are noticeably longer, and your yard is looking as drab as Winter. Here are some guidelines for late winter outdoor maintenance so you can take advantage of warmer days to get a jump start on the growing season.   


  • - Now is a great time to prune dead wood and suckers out of flowering trees and shrubbery.  If you have plants that bloom in spring or bloom off old wood, wait to cut it back until after it flowers. Cutting them back now will take off the new flower bud.  

  • - After pruning fruit trees, spray with neem oil to help prevent any pests that have overwintered and can destroy your Summer harvest. 

  • - Rake leaves and other debris so your lawn can absorb as much sun as possible to look its best. Place debris in the compost pile. 

  • - Don’t wait to start mowing the lawn in a few months to find a mechanical problem.  Home Depot offers some tips for getting your lawn mower ready for the busy season. 

  • - Check your irrigation system for any cracks if the cold weather has been brutal this year. 

  • - Have your garden soil tested through your local cooperative extension service.  

  • - If you haven’t already, get your seeds ordered and started as soon as possible. The Old Farmer’s Almanac has some great advice for indoor seed-starting. 

  • If you see daffodils blooming, that means it’s time to get cold weather veggies in the ground:  onions, garlic, sweet peas, salads, carrots and potatoes are cold-hardy and will be ready for harvest first! 

  • - Cut back ornamental grasses and mow any natural wildflower landscaping you may have. 

  • - Don’t put away the bird feeders just yet--keep them full, because winter fruit is fading, and their favorite insects haven’t ventured out yet.  Clean your hummingbird feeders with a bottlebrush dipped in warm water with white vinegar, rinse, and allow to sir dry.  If you’re not sure when to fill them and have them ready, read this hummingbird Spring migration information from The Spruce. 

  • -Mulching now is a good idea, unless there has been a lot of snow and rain in your area.  Before you put down new mulch, make sure the ground has had some time to dry out. 


Maintaining plants and plant beds in late Winter will give you great results when the growing and harvest seasons begin.  Your outdoor space is a year-round job and getting an early start may save you some time and energy when the temperatures are soaring.   


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   


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New Castle County DE Real Estate Market Watch For December 2017

by Tucker Robbins

New Castle County DE listings decreased from 420 new listings in December 2016 down to 389 in December 2017. The average sales price decreased to $248,306, while days on market dropped by 11 days.

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

DIY Home Staging

by Tucker Robbins

You’ve taken the plunge, and put your home on the market.  How do you stage it for potential buyers, and keep it looking great while living your day-to-day? Follow this guide for some practical ideas. 


  • 1. Look at your front entry closely. Paint porch rails and columns, and your front door, if necessary. Replace the door, if necessary.  

  • 2. Landscaping is extremely important for first impressions--clean out the flowerbeds, put down some new mulch and fresh plants, if the time of year is right. 

  • 3. Get rid of clutter and anything that isn’t necessary. Go ahead and pack these things for your potential move so you’ll have one less thing to do when the time comes. 

  • 4. Clean out closets, and throw away, give away or store anything that you’re not using or haven’t used in six months. Buyers will look in closets and cabinets to see how much storage is available. 

  • 5. Clean, clean, clean.  Your home needs to be spotless, but once it’s done, it’s easy to keep clean for realtor showings.  If you don’t have time, consider hiring a cleaning agency. 

  • 6. Using decorative containers to store things that you need while living in your staged home is a great way to hide extra clutter. Totes, benches with storage, and inexpensive shelving with baskets are great ways to hide your can’t-live-without things. 

  • 7. Rearranging furniture to make rooms appear larger is a huge plus--even taking out lesser-used pieces makes a big difference in how open your rooms will look.  If you’re unsure of this step, ask your realtor for the name of a decorator who specializes in rearrangement and using what you have to improve the space. 

  • 8. If your decor is bold and bright, go ahead and give the walls a fresh coat of neutral paint colors. 

  • 9. You don’t need to purchase new furniture once you’ve toned down the wall paint--slipcovers are an inexpensive way to make your pieces look like new. 

  • 10. Remove personal artwork/photos from your walls and replace with mirrors, inexpensive prints of landscapes or animals.  


Once you’re ready for your realtor to schedule showings, give everyone in the house a responsibility schedule, and stick to it.  Be diligent about keeping furniture dusted, floors vacuumed, countertops wiped off, and dishes stashed in the dishwasher. If you just take out an extra twenty minutes every evening or morning, your home will impress your potential buyers. 


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   


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Protecting Your Credit

by Tucker Robbins

The Equifax information hack has many Americans afraid of identity theft, and rightly so. Thankfully, there are several measures everyone can take to protect their credit.  


  • 1. First and foremost, find out if your information was compromised here: 

  • 2. Phone lines at Equifax have been flooded with calls, so an online approach is more convenient for now.  

  • 3. Sign up for the free credit monitoring Equifax offers, but don't let that make you unaware of your credit reports. Check them as often as possible, and dispute errors.  

  • 4. Setting up a fraud alert with Equifax, as well as TransUnion and Experian, is another important step.  

  • 5. If you feel compelled, freeze credit reports at all three agencies. A fee is involved, and varies by state. Find more information here:     

  • 6. Married couples need to make sure both spouses have taken steps to protect their information. 

  • 7. File your 2017 taxes as soon as possible in 2018. If someone has your credit information, they can file a false return for a refund.  

  • 8. If you have family members that haven't checked their reports, especially the elderly, offer to help them.  


Even though 143 million people were affected by the hack, many will not bother to check their credit reports. If you're not proactive in protecting your credit information, it may cause major problems down the road.  


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins


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Displaying blog entries 171-175 of 175




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Contact Information

Photo of Tucker Robbins Real Estate
Tucker Robbins
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
3838 Kennett Pike
Wilmington DE 19807
(302) 777-7744 (direct)