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Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 211-220 of 257

What Does HOA Stand For?

by Tucker Robbins


If you are currently in the market for a new home it is likely that if you haven’t already you will eventually hear the term HOA.  What does HOA stand for you may ask?  HOA stands for Home Owners Association.  Many neighborhoods have a Home Owners Association these days but not all neighborhoods do.  Let’s take a closer look at what an HOA is all about and what exactly the fees associated with an HOA actually cover.

  • Home Owners Associations were created to keep neighborhoods on the up and up so to speak.  They will keep your neighbor for instance from painting their house hot pink or putting up an 8 foot tall fence.  HOA’s will also keep your neighbors yards looking nice and manicured as many of them have strict rules about keeping the grass cut short.
  • You can expect to pay as much as $400 per month for a Home Owners Association fee.  This price will vary of course depending on how expensive the homes are in the neighborhood in which you choose to live. 
  • Many times neighborhoods that have HOA fees will also have things for your enjoyment such as clubhouses and swimming pools for all to use.  Some may even have tennis courts and walking trails for you and your neighbors to enjoy.  If these types of things are important to you then you most likely won’t mind paying an HOA fee each month. 
  • You can choose to take part in monthly Home Owners Association meetings or you can choose not to.  Regardless of whether or not you are active in meetings, you will still have to pay your monthly HOA fees so don’t be confused by that. 
  • As a new homeowner you need to be well informed about all the rules and regulations as well as the costs associated with your homes owners association.  By staying in the loop you will know what to expect each month. 
  • Before buying your new home in a neighborhood that has an HOA, make sure that your new monthly payment as well as your HOA fees fit into your budget. 

As long as you go into an HOA well informed  you shouldn’t have any issues arise as a result of buying a home in an HOA community and you will be more able to enjoy all that an HOA has to offer!

Courtesy of New Castle DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.

Some Ways to Say Farewell to Your Home

by Tucker Robbins

Saying farewell to your home.

There are many reasons why you might have to leave a home that you have lived in for several years.  You may have had to leave do to not being able to pay the mortgage because it was too high for you or you may have outgrown your home as your family has become larger over the years.  Still another reason you may have to say goodbye to your home is due to a job change that takes you from your home and places you into another area or even another state.  Below are a few ways in which you can say farewell to the place you have come to know and love as your home. 

  1. One way that you can say goodbye to your home that may help everyone feel a bit better about a move is to go around the house room by room and have each family member say aloud why that particular room was important to them and what if anything it meant to them personally. 
  2. Another way you can say goodbye to a home  or rather feel like you are still connected to it years after moving out is by planting a few trees around the house.  If you and your family are blessed enough to be able to come back and visit the home after some time you can watch as the trees begin to grow and see how they change year after year and perhaps still feel a connection to the house.
  3. Yet another clever way to bid farewell to your home is to have someone paint a picture of your home before you leave it.  You can then carry that home with you to your next home and place the picture in a prominent place for all to see.  This is a great way to keep the memory of a beloved home alive for years to come. 
  4. Making a movie of yourself and your family inside of your home before you leave it to travel to your new home is another great way to remember the good times you had there.  If you ever feel like you are missing your “old” home place you can always get the video out and feel connected to it once again.

Homes are not just walls and plaster, they are where we raise our families, where we love and are loved.  Leaving a home is never easy but hopefully these ideas about how to bid farewell to your home  will make it a bit easier for you.  

Courtesy of New Castle DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.

What Do Realtors Do Anyway?

by Tucker Robbins

What Realtors Do

Think you know what a real estate agent does on a daily basis?  You might have to think again in order to correctly identify all the responsibilities on the shoulders of your REALTOR (a real estate agent who is a member of the National Board of Realtors).   You most likely would be surprised—and impressed—to discover the wide range and long list of activities undertaken by your REALTOR in your pursuit of buying/selling a home.

A basic job description would include renting, and buying, and selling (oh, my!) real estate for clients, interviewing potential clients, previewing and showing  property, discussing sales conditions, drawing up and presenting offers, holding open houses, and writing contracts—all the while meeting deadlines and hand-holding when necessary.  Oh, but there is so much more for your REALTOR to do, including, but certainly not limited to, the following duties:

  • Staying current with market trends in your area
  • Analyzing comparables
  • Exploring and evaluating mortgage options
  • Finding buyers or properties for clients
  • Scheduling appraisals
  • Keeping up with changing federal/state laws and program
  • Negotiating between parties
  • Preparing MLS listings
  • Promoting properties via ads, web sites, videos, and virtual tours
  • Completing required courses, attending seminars, and the like
  • Coordinating inspections, walk-throughs, and closings
  • Arranging for title searches

But did you know that the National Association of Realtors awards grants to groups of state and local real estate associates who attempt to go above and beyond in promoting and expanding housing opportunities in their communities?  These REALTORS work together to design and implement affordable housing programs and are thus eligible for the NAR grants twice a year.  In addition, the NAR offers programs, training, and resources for these groups.  Click here for details of the Housing Opportunity Program.

Remember, real estate doesn’t sell due to advertising alone. In fact, a large share of real estate sales comes as the result of a practitioner’s contacts through previous clients, referrals, friends, and family. When a property is marketed with the help of a REALTOR®, you do not have to allow strangers into your home. Your REALTOR® will generally pre-screen and accompany qualified prospects through your property.

Contact us!  We’re qualified, experienced, and looking forward to assisting you.

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.

Things to Do Soon After Moving Into Your New Home

by Tucker Robbins

Just moving in

If you were lucky enough to move into a new home recently then you need to know a few things that you should strive to accomplish soon after the move.    These things will get you set in the right direction for being comfortable in your new home for years to come.  A few of these ideas are listed below. 

  • Be sure to take pictures of each room in your new home just before moving in. Sometimes the inspection takes place and then the previous owners come back to get a few last items of theirs moved out.  You never know, especially if the previous owners were forced to move due to a short sale, what they may have done to the house.  Take pictures before you move your furniture inside.  This way if any damage has occurred you will have full documentation of it and may be able to get things fixed more easily.
  • If you hire a moving company to move your belongings from one house to the other you will want to check all of your belongings to make sure there was no damage done to anything during the move.  You should have liability coverage in your moving contract and if that is the case if any damage occurs and you document the damage you should be able to get reimbursed for that. 
  • One of the most important things to accomplish as soon as you move into a new home is to change the locks.  You have no way of knowing how many folks have a key to your home from the previous owners and you surely don’t want to worry about someone being able to get inside of your home without your knowledge.  Get this task done right away. 
  • If you want to make the home have a nice new feel, painting is a great way to do that.  Painting an empty house is much easier than having to move the furniture around later. 
  • If you are a registered voter and you have recently moved into a new home that is in a different county, you will want to change your voter registration right away.  It’s not a good feeling to be turned away at the polls because your address is incorrect. 

These are just a few ideas of things you should strive to accomplish soon after moving into a new home. Hopefully they will be of some help to you and yours.

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.

4 Ways To Make Your Home Comfortable and Safe for Your Pet

by Tucker Robbins


For millions of Americans, pets are a member of the family. They provide companionship and countless memories that last a lifetime. Having a pet-friendly home increases the likelihood that these memories will be positive.

These tips can make pet ownership simpler, and create a safer, healthier environment for your four-legged companion.

1. Pet-friendly flooring

Carpeted flooring can be a challenge for pet owners. Carpet traps unpleasant odors and is difficult to clean. Hardwood, bamboo, laminate and other alternatives - when properly maintained - offer a surface that's easier to clean, doesn't trap allergens and doesn't hide fur or other debris.

2. A space to call their own

Many pets seek shelter when startled by loud noises. Whether it's the clap of thunder or a boisterous guest, an unexpected noise can send your animal fleeing (or peeing). Having a dedicated space for your pet, be it a mudroom, door-less closet or comfy bed, provides a safe place for your animal during times of stress.

Also, pets need a little down time every once in a while. A cozy nook away from direct sunlight provides a perfect place for them to relax and recharge.

3. Picking the best paint

Even the cleanest of pets can leave marks on your walls. Choosing the right paint can make the difference between a permanent stain and one that's easily removed. Lower sheens can be difficult to clean, so opt for semi-gloss or satin.

Also, depending on your climate, you may prefer a light or dark paint color. Light colors can help keep your pet cool by reflecting the sun, while darker colors absorb the sun's heat and can warm the home environment.

4. Protect your curious pet

Pets are inherently curious. If it's within reach, chances are it will be investigated with a detective's attention. Even if the food is safe for pets, the packaging may be harmful. Medications, cleaners and cosmetics should also be kept on high shelves or behind a latched cabinet.

Most pet owners know to keep food and toxins off accessible surfaces, but it's easy to forget something on a bedside table or the edge of a counter.

Pets require time, attention and love. They will return the favor more naturally in an environment that's comfortable and safe. Consider these tips for creating a pet-friendly home. (BPT)

Courtesy of Wilmington DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.

New Castle County DE Real Estate Market Watch For June 2016

by Tucker Robbins

New Castle County DE listings increased 1.23% in June 2016 with 58 homes sold. The average sales price climbed 1.21% to $158,012, while market times rose by 4 days. 

new castle county de

Courtesy of Wilmington DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.

Saving Money Through Home Improvements

by Tucker Robbins

Home Improvements Can Save You Money

Yes, you just read the title of this article correctly; there are some home improvements that may actually save you money in the long run. Let’s take a look at a few home improvements that may help you save money by helping you to avoid paying taxes. 

  1.  A few small home improvements that will help you to not only avoid paying taxes but will reap you small tax credits are:  HVAC upgrades, new roofing and insulation.  Roofing and insulation will earn you around a 10% tax credit while HVAC upgrades can earn you as much as $300.  Who doesn’t want an extra $300 to do with what they want.    
  2. Energy efficient additions to your home are a great way to help save you some money on taxes.  If you decide to add some 
  3. energy efficient doors, windows and or skylights you can earn as much as a $500 tax credit.  Of course you can also make bigger energy efficient additions to your house such as a solar water heater or heat pump but these are a bit more expensive.   
  4. If you are disabled you can do a few renovations to your home to help you out not only by making it easier to live daily life but also by saving money on your taxes and actually getting a return as well.  You can save money on taxes by installing a wheelchair ramp, making doorways wider and therefore easier to maneuver through, lowering kitchen and bathroom cabinets, and making the ground outside more level so that you can easily move over it with your wheelchair.  Make sure with your doctor that any medial renovations done are deemed medically necessary before you make any of these changes in the hopes of saving on your taxes. 
  5. Purchasing alternative energy equipment is another way to save money and get a return on your taxes.  Energy equipment such as solar water heaters, wind turbines and geothermal heat pumps are just a few ideas for alternative energy equipment for your home. 

These are just a few of the home improvements that you can do to help you save money on your taxes.  I would suggest doing a bit of homework before deciding to do any of these however to make sure that they are in the best interest of you and you household.

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   


Tips for Selling Your Home

by Tucker Robbins

Tips on Selling Your Home

More than likely if your house is on the market you have done your best to get it as clean as you possibly can.  What you may not know is that there are many other tips and tricks that go above and beyond cleaning your home to help you in the selling of your home.  A few of those tips and tricks are listed below. 

  • One of the main things you need to do if you want to sell your home  is to leave when someone is taking a tour of your home.  This may sound like a no brainer but you would be surprised at the number of folks who try to stick around during a home tour.  The prospective owners want to see the house and envision themselves in it. This cannot happen if you are lurking in the background during the tour. 
  • Another tip for selling your home is not to leave your pets behind during a home tour.   Although people love pets, they don’t really want to meet your pet in person while touring your house.  Be sure to clean up after them as well and not leave the pets belongings strewn throughout the house. 
  • Be sure to move your car where the Realtor and the prospective buyer will have a place to park when touring your home.  If you need to park all of your extra cars at a friend’s or neighbor’s house during the tour, do so.    
  • Be careful not to leave your bills and other mail laying around on the kitchen counter-tops when you have someone coming to take a tour of your home.  Not only is clutter a turn off to prospective buyers but it is also not a good idea to leave important documents lying around that can be seen by eyes that don’t need to see them. 
  • Do not call your Realtor five minutes after the home tour has taken place.  Be careful to give him or her time to do their job and get things in order before they come to you with feedback from the tour. 

These tips for selling your home  are very helpful if you are sure to take them to heart.  Most importantly remember to do your part in the preparing for the sale of your home and always be willing to negotiate.  

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.

saving energy

Once spring cleanup is done, you may feel ready to tackle some renovation projects this summer. If so, you're not alone: 62 percent of homeowners plan to undertake a home improvement project this year, according to a Harris poll. Homeowners will renovate to improve their home's appearance, livability and energy efficiency, the survey found.

It's possible to make renovations that are stylish and also reduce your energy bill. With temperatures heating up this summer, take on renovations that not only make your home more beautiful, but make it cool and comfortable as well.

Here are a handful of projects that can accomplish those goals:

Replacement windows

You're probably aware quality new windows can help your home retain heat in the winter, but did you know they can also keep your home cooler in the summer? By tightening your home's envelope and reflecting heat, energy-efficient windows can help maintain more even temperatures inside your home. What's more, because they're energy-efficient, new windows can help your heating-ventilation and cooling (HVAC) systems operate more efficiently.

Air conditioning

If you live in an older home, you may not have the space you need to install a traditional central HVAC unit with ductwork. Adding ductwork can be costly and troublesome, yet you probably don't love the look of window air conditioners, either.

Window treatments

Limiting the amount of sunlight that enters and warms a room is an important way to supplement your home's cooling units. Summer decor cries out for light, airy window treatments, but you don't have to give up that bright look to better control sunlight. Window blinds or shades in a slightly darker hue can work well with a lighter looking window treatment while still allowing you to limit sun exposure when you draw them shut. What's more, cellular shades also have an insulating effect to enhance your windows' ability to reflect heat in the summer.

Cooler lighting and appliances

Electrical appliances and incandescent light bulbs all contribute to the amount of ambient heat in your home. As you're renovating, replace incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient options that give off far less heat, such as LEDs or CFLs. Most light fixtures are now able to use these cooler bulbs, so replacing them is easy - and can also help reduce your electricity bill since they use about 80 percent less energy than incandescents, according to the Energy Star program. You can also reduce heat output from appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers and dryers by upgrading to more energy-efficient models.

Outdoor improvements

You can also make outdoor renovation choices that will enhance your home's beauty and help keep the interior cooler. Strategically plant shade trees to shield windows from the hot sun in summer time. Or, consider adding awnings that will shade windows and doors. For patios and decks, choose materials that reflect heat away from your home and outdoor spaces. Finally, paint siding in a lighter color to help minimize heat absorption.

Summer home renovation projects can be exciting, beautiful and energy efficient when you keep a cool head about your design choices. (BPT)

Top 2016 Trends In Outdoor Living

by Tucker Robbins

outdoor living

Take a deep breath of fresh air. Feel the warm sunshine on your skin. Kick back and listen to the peaceful sounds of nature. There's a reason people are investing in spaces that allow them to spend more time relaxing, dining and entertaining outside.

In addition to expanding livable space, outdoor enhancements also offer a strong return on investment at the time of sale. Convinced this is the year you're going to jump on the outdoor living bandwagon? To refresh your space and start enjoying the outdoors from the comforts of home, consider the top outdoor living trends of 2016.

Eclectic design

Homeowners are embracing the same eclectic trends that they love indoors and bringing this same design approach to their outdoor spaces. Mixing materials is at the heart of this trend. From all-weather wicker and teak to concrete and aluminum, using different materials means creating durable spaces with one-of-a-kind looks. Beyond the hardscape, using a variety of patterns, textures and shapes adds visual appeal.

Upholstered soft seating

This year, homeowners are revamping patios and decks by bringing the comforts of indoors outside. The perfect example of this movement is the use of upholstered furniture for the outdoors.

Outdoor cooking
Summer entertaining is enhanced when meals are cooked outdoors. Home chefs are thinking beyond the grill to incorporate other useful mediums for al fresco cooking. For example, hearths and stone ovens offer undeniable outdoor ambiance while providing a unique way to cook pizzas, bread and other baked goods. The finishing touch: add an herb garden for quick access to the fresh flavors of the season.


Customizing helps create outdoor spaces that are a reflection of the homeowners' personalities. More than just personalized decor, the customization trend is evident in outdoor furniture.

Evening entertaining

Outdoor entertainment shouldn't be restricted by daylight, so homeowners are making thoughtful additions to ensure when dusk arrives the party can go on. Strategic deck lighting on posts and stairways illuminates gathering spaces. Torches, pathway lighting and string lights are great for landscaped areas. Finally, propane and citronella gel fueled fire pits are the ideal gathering place and bugs will stay far away.

Reconstructed stone

Re-constructed stone is in demand for tabletops on dining, coffee and accent tables. When researching options, it's important to remember not all reconstructed stone is created equal. (BPT)

Displaying blog entries 211-220 of 257




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Contact Information

Photo of Tucker Robbins Real Estate
Tucker Robbins
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
3838 Kennett Pike
Wilmington DE 19807
(302) 777-7744 (direct)