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Selecting Plants and Flowers for Your Home Garden!

by Tucker Robbins

Many of us select plants for the garden at our
New Castle County DE home based on their visual effect—color, height, size of blooms, etc. And so we should, as the sight of our plantings should be pleasing to our sense of sight. As we plan our garden, however, we should also be aware of the other four senses—and include plants which appeal to each of them.

SMELL: Aromatherapy is a powerful practice. With nothing more than a simple scent, the brain can be triggered to remember long forgotten memories, emotions, and feelings. With that being said, it is important to carefully select the flowers you want in the garden of your New Castle County DE home. With a few simple choices, you can create your own "memory lane' or relaxing oasis. In terms of fragrance, it’s hard to beat roses or lavender. Wisteria and jasmine are scented climbers which can really enhance the sensory pleasure of a garden, and amaryllis belladonna and spirea both add pleasant scents.

SOUND: Few of us associate the sense of sound with our garden, but the rustling of long grasses and the chirping of birds add a much-appreciated dimension. To attract songbirds, use fruit-bearing understory trees like dogwoods and service berries and shrubs such as viburnums and hollies and introduce low growing perennials and dwarf shrubs like creeping juniper and cotoneaster. You can also plant vines, ground covers, and sunflowers to increase chirping and tweeting.

TOUCH: Texture in garden design refers to the surface quality of the plant. Plant textures range from delicate and fine to coarse and bold. The feel of the foliage in your New Castle County DE home’s garden is not the only element of texture, however, as the texture can change with the play of light and shadow and even with viewing distance. Plants with thread-like leaves call out to be touched, so consider adding cosmos, baby's breath, asters, and grasses. In addition, iris and lamb’s ear will each provide softer tactile experiences.

TASTE: The world of herbs is nearly without limits. Think about basil, chives, rosemary, chamomile, cilantro, mint, and parsley, to name just a few tasty garden additions. Consider, too low bush blueberries or ligonberries. Lesser known, but equally valuable as salad additions are the flowers of the hibiscus shrub, columbine, and daylilies.

Some of the plants you have selected for your garden will serve more than one purpose and will appeal to more than one sense, so be sure to sniff, feel, taste, listen to, and view each of them!

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins.   

How to Clean Your Grill

by Tucker Robbins


Spring is here and that means that summer is right around the corner!  Summertime brings with it many things but one of the awesome things about summer is that it means many meal prep times will move from inside of the kitchen to outside on the grill!  Yum!  You will have to do your part to get your grill ready for all the outdoor cooking that is about to begin!  Below are a few ideas on how best to clean your grill for the upcoming season! 


  1.  The first place to start whebeginning to clean your grill is to clean the grates.  These can get quite dirty during the outdoor cooking season.  If you were smart when the last season ended you cleaned them and wiped them down with cooking oil, however if you didn’t, there is still hope. One good and easy way to clean your dirty grill grates is to place them into your self-cleaning oven and let it do the work for you.  Another way to get your grill grates clean is to simply put them in the dishwasher.   

  1. Clean the burner tubes by simply brushing them and wiping them clean.   Be sure not to use any metal brushes as these have been deemed unsafe if the metal pieces come off and get into your food.   

  1. Clean the grease collection tray by scrubbing it with a clean damp cloth.   

  1. If you happen to have a charcoal grill, your cleaning process will be a bit simpler than with a gas grill.  Scrub the grill with a nylon brush and then clean the grates and that is it!  If you have old charcoal simply throw it out and buy some new for the season.  

These are just a few ideas on how to clean your grill to get it ready for the upcoming outdoor cooking season.  The best way to clean your grill is honestly just to clean as you go. If you do your part to clean up after yourself after each and every meal you will have a much easier time when it comes time to get the grill out again for the next season.  If you don’t do your part to clean as you go, at least now you have a few ideas on how to get rid of the grit and grime easily.    


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins.   

House Hunting Homework

by Tucker Robbins

There is plenty to do to prepare for buying your new home, and once you’re actively touring homes or stopping into an open house, you can draw a blank when it comes time to ask specifics.  Have some questions ready to prepare yourself so you won’t forget!


Open House and Walkthrough 

  • - How long has the house been on the market, and are there any current offers? The length of time it’s been for sale can mean savings for you, or you may not want to bother if there are already multiple offers. 

  • - Why is the current owner selling?  This may seem like prying, and you may not get the exact answer, but it can add flexibility to price negotiations if the owner is ready for a fast sale. 

  • - Ask for a seller’s disclosure before you think about making an offer. Check this list for your state’s info about what the seller must tell you before buying the house.

  • - How old is the roof? An older roof that has issues can either cost in the long run, or give you a discount on the sale price if it need replacing. 

  • - If it isn’t obvious, ask when the house was last updated.  With people living longer, some could have lived in the same home for fifty years and done nothing else besides redecorating. 

  • - Condition of the home’s systems are important, so inquire about the age of the water heater, electric, plumbing, security and climate control systems. 

  • - How is the home heated and insulated, including the attic?  You need to have a good idea of what your utilities will cost, and heating can be expensive, whether it’s propane, electric, or geothermal if the insulation needs improving. 

  • - Has the house been treated for pests on a regular basis?  This can keep a lot of headaches at bay in the long run. 

  • - What is included in the sale price, and are any warranties still active?  You don’t want to be surprised when you start moving in and find out you have to buy all new appliances. 

  • - You may be moving in the same general area, but a different city or county.  Property taxes vary per location, so make sure you know how much you will be paying if you eventually purchase the home. 

  • -If your prospective new home is in a historic district or homeowner’s association, there will be restrictions on how you renovate or build an addition, and fees for HOA.  Ask your realtor for these details. 


Pay Attention 

  • - While you’re on your walkthrough, pay attention to traffic and nearby surroundings.  Spend several minutes outside in the front and back yards and listen for any traffic noise, or a noisy possible neighbor. 

  • - Is your prospective new home on a busy shortcut street in the mornings and evenings?  Make time to discover for yourself and drive through on your way to or from work. 

  • - Look closely at fresh paint jobs for cracks or possible mold.  Sometimes, that new paint is covering up a problem. 

  • - Check your mobile phone for signal strength.  Different areas can be dead zones. 

  • - Drive through the area one evening after most people are home from work.  Is there plenty of parking available? 


Using these opportunities to find all the information you can about a potential new home is imperative when you know you’ll be looking at many different homes on the market.  Do your homework--keep a list of questions on your mobile phone’s notepad app so you won’t forget anything, or use a clipboard if you’re looking at multiple houses, keeping this information better organized. Since buying a home will most likely be your biggest investment, you want to be certain your money will be spent wisely. 

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins.   

Reasons to Consider Moving During the Winter

by Tucker Robbins

If you are considering selling your home and moving into another one, you may want to consider doing so during the winter time.  There are several reasons for this and those reasons are listed below for your consideration. 

  1.  If your plan is to hire a moving company to help you move then doing so in the winter can be a much cheaper time to do so.  Moving companies tend to be their busiest during the summer months, then slow down a bit in the fall and even more so during the winter months. The cheapest months to hire a moving company are typically January and February so now is the time to do so. 
  2. Another reason to consider moving during the winter time  is because storage units are typically a bit cheaper during the winter.   Many times storage facilities will become less full during the winter as folks have already moved their stuff out during the warmer months.  Also the storage companies are known for running specials during the winter to attract business. 
  3. If you choose to hire a moving company during the summertime you may find that you have a hard time hiring the one you really want because there are so many others trying to move during this time.  However, if you decide to move during the winter you are more likely to be able to hire the moving company of your choice due to less competition. 
  4. Yet another reason you might want to consider hiring a moving company during the winter  is due to the fact that the summer can get really hot and your items run a greater risk of getting destroyed by being hauled in a moving truck for a long period of time.  Things can melt, warp or just get plain hot and damp when the days get so terribly hot. 

These are just a few reasons why, if moving is in your future,  that you may want to go ahead and do it during the winter time instead of waiting until spring or summer.  

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins.   

Saving Money for Your New Home Down Payment

by Tucker Robbins


With the new year here, many people are thinking about resolutions.  If you’re seriously considering buying a new home, you’ll definitely need to be thinking about having your down payment ready when you find the perfect house.  Follow these ideas for saving as much as you possibly can. 


  • - First and foremost, know your house-purchasing budget, and estimate needing 20% of that budget. 

  • - Set up a hands-off down payment high-yield savings or money market account. 

  • - Start cutting out expenses, or find ways to make extra money.  Every little bit counts. 

  • - If you plan on getting an end-of-year bonus or income tax refund, set aside that money to begin your new nest’s egg. 

  • - Sign up with your employer to deposit a portion of your pay into a down payment savings account if you’re not great at putting money into savings.  Most of the time, if you don’t see it, you don’t miss it. 

  • - Receiving gifts from family members towards your down payment require documentation so your  lender, as well as the IRS, knows where the money is coming from, and that the money doesn’t require re-payment.  More information about down payment gifts are here from The Mortgage Reports website. 

  • - Start paying off your credit card debt by paying more than the minimum payment.  Lowering and/or eliminating your card balance also lowers your interest rates, so you can start taking what you’d normally pay on credit cards and depositing it towards your down payment fund. 

  • - If you have investments in stocks or bonds, plan on liquidating those assets when it’s time to purchase your house.  Make sure you document these sales. 

  • - A pay raise at work is great, but if you happen to get one, stay on your old budget, and have the extra pay direct deposited into your down payment account. 

  • - You can always borrow from your 401k or IRA, but make sure you’re not having to pay penalties.  Talk with your account holder before you make any withdrawals. 


A down payment, especially at twenty percent, can look daunting.  If it just looks impossible, do your research.  There are many first-time buyer programs available, as well as lower down payment options through the USDA, the VA and state-specific programs.  Zillow has a terrific guide on low down payment guidelines and opportunities. Planning ahead and keeping your eye on your goal will get you well on the way to home ownership. 


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins.   

First Time Homebuyer Courses That Make the Process a Breeze

by Tucker Robbins

You are reading that correctly--classes for home buyers! If you are just starting the home-purchase process, you may get overwhelmed when you find out all that is involved. Sadly, it is not as easy as finding a house, paying for it, then moving in. It is a great idea to learn all you can about the purchase process as well as being a homeowner. 


  • The Department of Housing and Urban Development has a list of free classes in every state, from credit counseling and home maintenance to housing for seniors. Select your state and find all that are available. 

  • Sign up before you have found a house you want to purchase! However, if you are purchasing your home through FHA, USDA, or other agency, you may be required to take the courses. 

  • Before deciding what workshop is best for you, make sure it is certified through HUD, and any credit courses are nonprofit and accredited by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling or the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies 

  • Credit counseling should take place about six months before you start looking at homes so you can learn about improving your credit score and creating a budget. You want the highest credit score possible in order to receive pre-approval for a mortgage. 

  • HUD-approved counseling agencies usually offer one-on-one sessions so you can get a better understanding of your financial situation, as well as answers to questions you may have. 

  • Many workshops have more than one “instructor;” you will hear from lenders, appraisers, inspectors, and insurance agents who will discuss their roles in the home-buying process. 

  • If there is no way to save or pay a 20% down payment, taking a workshop can help you find low down payment mortgages, as well as any grants that may be available in your community. 


When dreaming of buying your own home, do not allow the amount of information to overwhelm you and keep you from even trying! All it takes is this first step, and you will find that a home-buyer course will show you will not be alone on the road to homeownership. Once you learn the ropes of the process, you will feel confident when you contact a Realtor to begin your search. 


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins.  

Caring for Your Laminate Wood Flooring!

by Tucker Robbins

Choosing laminate wood flooring for a home is a 
really good decision for a homeowner.  Laminate flooring has come a long way since its beginning a few decades ago, with better quality, ease of installment, and varieties to choose from--you can even get laminate to look like stone! Caring for this manufactured product can be tricky, but with the right cleaning and care, it can look great for years to come.  


Protecting the Floor 


  • 1. Laminate flooring isn’t real wood--it’s an image of wood adhered to fiberboard, with a bottom that is moisture damage-resistant. It is covered with a clear protectant that is hard enough to protect it from scratching and pitting. 

  • 2. Although it is made to prevent moisture damage, it still needs to be protected from liquids.  Any spills need to be cleaned up as quickly and thoroughly as possible. 

  • 3. The top layer of sealant is there to protect the floor, but if the dining room chairs are constantly pulled from the table, put some felt pads on the legs to prevent any scratching. 

  • 4. Other pieces of furniture that don’t get moved often still may need something under the legs, and felt pads or newer style plastic casters work perfectly for heavier pieces. 

  • 5. High traffic areas are best protected with area rugs and runners.  Be sure to use a gripper mat or tape underneath rugs to prevent slipping. 

  • 6. Even though laminate is great for homes with pets, they can still get scratched in extreme situations.  Keep pet’s toenails trimmed to prevent this. Pet accidents need to be cleaned immediately to prevent moisture damage and stains. 

  • 7. Some toys with sharp edges can dent or pit the floor, so they should be used with care, or in places protected with area rugs. 

  • 8. Sometimes an area of the floor can get damaged, and the best solution is to call the manufacturer to get their advice.  Most even sell repair kits for small DIY jobs. 


Keeping It Clean 


  • 1. The first defense in keeping any floor clean is a mat on both sides of a door that leads outside.  A “no shoes” policy could even be put in place to keep even more dirt out, as well as preventing scuff marks. 

  • 2. Removing dirt and small particles is best done on laminate floors with a microfiber cloth or mop.  Sweeping with a broom can scratch the surface over time, and usually doesn’t get all of the dirt, anyway.  Many styles of reusable and washable cloth floor cleaners are available and are perfect for laminate. 

  • 3. Electric sweepers are also excellent for vacuuming dirt and pet hair.  Make sure any vacuum-type sweeper has a gentle brush motion.  Too heavy, and it can scratch. 

  • 4. Mopping can create streaks because of too much detergent in the cleaner. The best solution for mopping grime or sticky spills is using two parts warm water, one part white vinegar, a few drops of dishwashing liquid, and a drop or two of lemon essential oil.  The essential oil helps keep the vinegar odor down, but that smell fades quickly.  Mix this in a spray bottle, and spray each area as you mop.  The less liquid used, the better for the floor. 

  • 5. In case of streaks, use a microfiber cloth or cloth diaper to buff the floor.  These are best for a great shine on the floor. Never use dusting spray, as it can cause floors to be slippery. 



Laminate flooring can be an asset to a home, without the expense and extra work a hardwood floor can bring. Without a lot of extra cost, the flooring can look new for many years, as long as attention is paid to its care and cleaning.  


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtor Tucker Robbins.   


First Time Homebuyers Mortgage-Related Junk Mail

by Tucker Robbins

The stress and excitement of buying your first home has subsided, the boxes are unpacked, and your mail is being forwarded to your new address–the house is yours! So why are you getting mail regarding your new home purchase? Our guide will help you discern between what is relevant, and what you should toss: 


  • Why are you even getting all these unsolicited offers? Your home purchase is public record. All sorts of house- and mortgage-related “companies” are combing through those records daily, obtaining your information as soon as the deed is filed. 

  • Many of these offers come with your lender’s logo or name in bold print. Comparing contact information on paperwork you already have will help discern if it is a legitimate offer from your mortgage lender. 

  • Life insurance offers come in droves after purchasing a home, and you are the only one who can decide on what insurance company you choose. Contacting a reputable insurance agent in your local area is probably your best choice. 

  • Mortgage protection insurance (MPI) offers are sent to you as well. Such insurance sounds great, as it will pay off your loan in case of death. However, while your loan amount decreases, your MPI premium stays the same, so it would be a better financial decision to have a life insurance policy that is large enough to pay off your mortgage and take care of any other expenses. 

  • Many home warranty offers will inundate your mailbox as well. Do a little homework if you are interested, and your buyer agent can probably recommend a few companies. 

  • Do not just toss or shred anything you suspect may not be legitimate. Read the entire mail contents, look for spelling errors, generic information, and disclaimers–read everything, especially the fine print. Call your lender if you are not sure about something that looks official. 

  • If the former homeowner continues to receive mail at their old address, mark it “Return to Sender,” place it back in the mailbox, and allow the USPS or the company sending the mail to locate the former residents address. 


One great and secure tool you can use to stop receiving anything related to your finances (refinancing offers, credit cards, etc.), is A joint effort of credit companies Equifax, Experian, Innovis, and TransUnion, this site is free to sign up for five years or permanently.


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins.

Making an Offer is a Process

by Tucker Robbins

While you’re on the house hunt, every property you see just might be “the one.”  It’s a good idea to learn the different aspects of buying a house before you get into them.  Many discover that after they’ve made an offer of purchase, the process isn’t exac
tly as they’d envisioned! You’ll feel confident when you get to this step by following this guide: 


  • - The offer itself isn’t just a price you’re willing to pay for the property; closing date, closing cost contribution, contingencies, or the earnest money deposit are all things that are normally included when the offer is submitted to the seller. 

  • - Talk with your agent before you come to your initial price, because you don’t want to insult the seller with a very low offer, nor do you want to pay too much for the house. 

  • - Although you won’t always get a complete answer, knowing why the house is on the market can give you some leverage, so ask anyway. Some sellers are in a time crunch and are eager to sell and may take your first offer. 

  • - Keep in mind that there are legal aspects to writing a proposal.  Your Realtor will know all the aspects of this part of the process and will take you through each step. 

  • - It is very likely that the seller won’t accept your price if it’s less than what they’re asking.  If they want to sell and have no higher offers, they may choose to send a counteroffer.  The counteroffer step is nothing to worry about, if the negotiations are getting you somewhere.   

  • - Some sellers will counteroffer with their original asking price.  If this happens, you may have to walk away, as they have shown they’re not interested in moving away from what they want for the property.

  • - Don’t forget that you may not be the only buyers interested in the home!® offers some advice on how sellers might handle multiple offers and some ideas on how to make your offer stand out. 


When your offer is accepted, it’s exciting, but there is still work to do!  Hopefully, you have pre-approval for a mortgage, making the buying process a much smoother one.  There are added costs associated with buying a home, so be sure you have your finances in order.  


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   


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Tips For Buying Land To Build On

by Tucker Robbins

If you have decided you want to buy land to build on instead of buying an already built home, there are a few things you need to consider first.  The biggest thing you need to consider before buying land is whether you want to live in the country or the city.  Do you want acreage or do you want neighbors, or perhaps both?  Below are a few tips for buying land that may be of some help to you.   


  1. 1. If cost is important to you then you may want to purchase land  out in the country instead of the city.  The price for buying a spot of land in the city is a lot more expensive and the size of the land will be much smaller as well.  If you like to have your space then buying a lot of land out in the country may be just the thing for you. 


  1. 2. Once you have decided where you want to live, city vs. country you then will need to go to the land you are considering and look around.  Look up and see what there is to see.  Do you see a lot of cars passing by or do you see a school close by or a factory?  All of these things can become issues for you when buying a piece of land so be sure to pay attention to all of your senses when on the land, sights and smells.   


  1. 3. Find out what the zoning requirements are on the land you want to build on.  You may have plans to build a small home on your land when the zoning requirements are that you build a house that is at least 2,000 square feet.    


  1. 4. Pay attention to how close the land you want is to water.  Are there any flooding problems?  Have there been problems in the past?  These are things you need to think about.   


  1. 5. You also need to find out about the water quality on any land you are considering purchasing.  Find out if the water is pure or if you will need to purchase a water filtration system for your home once you build.  These types of things can be costly so be careful to ask as many questions as you need to get the answers you need.   


Hiring a Real Estate agent to help you find land to purchase  is the best thing you can do because they already know all of these tips and can help lead you in the direction that is best for you and your family.   


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.   

Displaying blog entries 11-20 of 158




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Photo of Tucker Robbins Real Estate
Tucker Robbins
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
3838 Kennett Pike
Wilmington DE 19807
(302) 777-7744 (direct)