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How to Eliminate Smells So That Your House Might Sell

by Tucker Robbins











If you have recently put your house on the market and want it to sell quickly you may need to take a look at a few of these tips on how to eliminate smells so that your house will be more likely to sell. While selling your home quickly may sound good to you, you may not be thinking about exactly how clean your house smells when you have a last minute showing pop up.  If you are caught in a bind with a last minute showing and you need to get rid of a few household odors, be sure to read below for some ideas. 

  1. If you have pets you already know that they have a smell all their own.  Pets that may not be house trained yet may be hard to deal with during a house showing.  If you need to cover up the smell of pet urine quickly there are several ways to go about it.  One way to get rid of pee smell in the carpet is to soak the area with enzyme spray.  Another way to get rid of the smell all together (however it may take a bit longer) is to get rid of the carpet once and for all and put in hardwoods. 
  2. Another way to eliminate smells so that your house might sell is to open up your windows while you are cooking.  If you know you have a showing one night, be sure to keep your windows open while you are cooking with the hood fan on as well.  Another good way to get rid of the smell of a recently prepared meal in your home is to set a bowl of coffee grounds on the countertop over night (if your showing doesn’t happen to be the same evening of course.)  If you don’t want to take any chances of having your dinner linger during the showing you could always just go out to eat for the evening. 
  3. Garbage smell in a home is some of the worst odor possible.  One easy way to get rid of that particular smell is to be sure and take it to the curb before you leave for the showing. 

These are just a few ways that you can get rid of smells in your home  so that your showing might go well and you may be more able to sell your home.  Hopefully they will get you started in the right direction.  

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins. 

New Castle Market Watch for September 2016

by Tucker Robbins

New Castle County DE listings increased 5.76% in Sept 2016 with 46 more homes being listed. The average sales price dropped 2.72% to $235,386, while market times increased by 20 days.

new castle county real estate

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.

Which Offer Should You Accept?

by Tucker Robbins

multiple offers

You must admit the housing market is booming right now and this means that many folks are getting more than one offer on their house.   Knowing which offer you should accept  can sometimes be a daunting task.  If you do get multiple offers you may think that opting for the highest bidder is the route to go, but not in all cases is this true.  Below are a few tips for making sense of it all and deciding which home offer is best for you and your family. 

  1.  If you want your home to be sold to a family member but their offer is just too low as compared to someone who is going to use your house as an investment for example, try coming back with a counter offer.  Just because you get a really high offer from someone doesn’t mean you have to accept that offer.  If you don’t want to see your home be flipped for example, don’t accept the offer from that person.  If you can afford to do so, accept a little bit of a lower offer to keep the house in the family.
  2. If you have a potential buyer make an offer with contingencies it may be best to skip over that person.  You don’t want to get involved in things such as waiting for a potential buyers house to sell before they can purchase yours.  In most cases it will serve you best, if you have more than one offer, to skip right over those with contingencies. 
  3. If you have a buyer that makes a good offer on your house but they cannot close for a month or two, pick the one that can close more quickly if that meets your needs. 
  4. Just because someone makes a really high offer on your house doesn’t mean they are the ones who need to win the bid war.  Many times folks that make very high offers may back out in the end leaving you high and dry.  Be careful not to just accept the highest bid and not look at any of the rest. 

Hopefully these ideas on how to decide which offer to accept  when you have multiple offers on your home will make things easier for you.   Don’t worry too much about it, after all…multiple offers is a good thing! 

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.

What Do Realtors Do Anyway?

by Tucker Robbins

What Realtors Do

Think you know what a real estate agent does on a daily basis?  You might have to think again in order to correctly identify all the responsibilities on the shoulders of your REALTOR (a real estate agent who is a member of the National Board of Realtors).   You most likely would be surprised—and impressed—to discover the wide range and long list of activities undertaken by your REALTOR in your pursuit of buying/selling a home.

A basic job description would include renting, and buying, and selling (oh, my!) real estate for clients, interviewing potential clients, previewing and showing  property, discussing sales conditions, drawing up and presenting offers, holding open houses, and writing contracts—all the while meeting deadlines and hand-holding when necessary.  Oh, but there is so much more for your REALTOR to do, including, but certainly not limited to, the following duties:

  • Staying current with market trends in your area
  • Analyzing comparables
  • Exploring and evaluating mortgage options
  • Finding buyers or properties for clients
  • Scheduling appraisals
  • Keeping up with changing federal/state laws and program
  • Negotiating between parties
  • Preparing MLS listings
  • Promoting properties via ads, web sites, videos, and virtual tours
  • Completing required courses, attending seminars, and the like
  • Coordinating inspections, walk-throughs, and closings
  • Arranging for title searches

But did you know that the National Association of Realtors awards grants to groups of state and local real estate associates who attempt to go above and beyond in promoting and expanding housing opportunities in their communities?  These REALTORS work together to design and implement affordable housing programs and are thus eligible for the NAR grants twice a year.  In addition, the NAR offers programs, training, and resources for these groups.  Click here for details of the Housing Opportunity Program.

Remember, real estate doesn’t sell due to advertising alone. In fact, a large share of real estate sales comes as the result of a practitioner’s contacts through previous clients, referrals, friends, and family. When a property is marketed with the help of a REALTOR®, you do not have to allow strangers into your home. Your REALTOR® will generally pre-screen and accompany qualified prospects through your property.

Contact us!  We’re qualified, experienced, and looking forward to assisting you.

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.

Tips for Selling Your Home

by Tucker Robbins

Tips on Selling Your Home

More than likely if your house is on the market you have done your best to get it as clean as you possibly can.  What you may not know is that there are many other tips and tricks that go above and beyond cleaning your home to help you in the selling of your home.  A few of those tips and tricks are listed below. 

  • One of the main things you need to do if you want to sell your home  is to leave when someone is taking a tour of your home.  This may sound like a no brainer but you would be surprised at the number of folks who try to stick around during a home tour.  The prospective owners want to see the house and envision themselves in it. This cannot happen if you are lurking in the background during the tour. 
  • Another tip for selling your home is not to leave your pets behind during a home tour.   Although people love pets, they don’t really want to meet your pet in person while touring your house.  Be sure to clean up after them as well and not leave the pets belongings strewn throughout the house. 
  • Be sure to move your car where the Realtor and the prospective buyer will have a place to park when touring your home.  If you need to park all of your extra cars at a friend’s or neighbor’s house during the tour, do so.    
  • Be careful not to leave your bills and other mail laying around on the kitchen counter-tops when you have someone coming to take a tour of your home.  Not only is clutter a turn off to prospective buyers but it is also not a good idea to leave important documents lying around that can be seen by eyes that don’t need to see them. 
  • Do not call your Realtor five minutes after the home tour has taken place.  Be careful to give him or her time to do their job and get things in order before they come to you with feedback from the tour. 

These tips for selling your home  are very helpful if you are sure to take them to heart.  Most importantly remember to do your part in the preparing for the sale of your home and always be willing to negotiate.  

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins.

4 Hacks for Moving Into Your New Home

by Tucker Robbins

moving tips

The big day is almost here!  You and your family are moving out of your old house into a new home! It’s an exciting time, however moving can be a huge headache if you go into it unprepared.  Below are a few tips and ideas on how to make your move a success.

  • If you plan to hire a moving company to take care of your move for you, don’t be afraid to do your homework on the different moving companies.  There are some moving companies out there that will help to make your move a lot easier while there are others that can simply make the entire process a nightmare.  You owe it to yourself to do a bit of research and to find the best moving company you possibly can.
  • Another bit of advice for moving from one house to another is to prep for the move ahead of time.  Make sure that your movers know if they will be moving heavy things such as kitchen appliances and have them unplugged and cleaned out before the movers arrive so that they can easily and quickly get the heavy objects taken out of the way. 
  • Get your packing done before the big moving day arrives.  Moving companies do not want to be tripping over you while you are frantically packing last minute items into boxes that have yet to be taped and ready to move.  If you have your job done before the movers arrive, they will be able to get their job done in a quick and successful manner.  It’s also a good idea to stack your boxes against the walls of the rooms so that the movers can easily move about as they are working.  Again, if your job is done, their job will be easier and all will be happy. 
  • Label your boxes so that movers will understand what room it goes in.  If you label the boxes with your kid’s names, it’s likely the movers will have no idea which room the box belongs in once they arrive at your new home.  Keep it simple and label the boxes accordingly. 

If you do your part to make sure you have done all you can do to make the move an easy process,  the moving company will be free to do their job and do it right.

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Real Estate Broker Tucker Robbins.

Selling With Pets? Read On...

by Tucker Robbins


We have all been inside of friends and families homes that have pets and we all know just how smelly pets can make a home no matter how clean you keep your pets.  In fact, most homes these days have at least one pet in them.  If you are trying to sell your home having a pet may make it harder to do so.  Let’s take a look at a few ways pets make things harder on someone who is trying to sell their home.

  • You may have your home staged to the max but if you have a pet inside it is likely that the odor will be noticed by folks who come to take a tour of your home.  You may think that if you give your pet a bath daily there will be no odor, think again.  Pets have an odor that is all their own and it is easily noticed by the human nose. 
  • Cats tend to make the most smell when it comes to having animals inside of your home because they do their business inside, in the litter box.  It is important to take litter boxes outside when showing a home so that the smell may be somewhat masked at least. 
  • Pets that shed are ones that may cause an issue when someone comes to tour your home because there is absolutely no way you can get rid of all of the hair inside of your home.  If you need to have a pet, perhaps opting for one that doesn’t shed such as a poodle is a better option for you.  You can run a lint brush over all of your furniture before a showing but as I said there is basically no way to get rid of all of the hair.
  • An air purifier may be a good idea to invest in if you have pets and you are about to start showing your house.  These types of machines go a long way to helping take the pet smell out of your home. 

Don’t worry, if you want to sell your home and you have pets you don’t have to get rid of your pets just be diligent and do your part to make sure those who tour your home have no idea you have animals living inside.  Once they finish the tour you can go back to normal life until the next showing and then you will repeat the entire cleaning process over again.  Another thing you can do if you have pets and you are trying to sell your home is to look up some tips and ideas online of how to make your home show better and therefore sell faster. 

Courtesy of New Castle County Realtor Tucker Robbins.

Things You Shouldn't Say When Selling

by Tucker Robbins

not to say

Many times when someone puts their house on the market they are so excited at the possibility of getting their home sold quickly that they lose their bearings a bit when they finally have a serious buyer.  You as the seller need to be sure not to say too much to your potential buyer so that you don’t end up losing the sale before you get it.  Below are a few things you shouldn’t say when selling your home. 

Things You Shouldn't Say When Selling

  • Be careful not to tell your potential home buyer  that your house is in top shape and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.  You most likely don’t know if your house is in perfect shape and will only know for sure the shape that it is in when the inspector comes to do his or her job.  There is nothing wrong with verbally selling your home to a potential buyer but be careful not to say things unless you know for certain those things are true. 
  • Another good thing to keep to yourself when it comes to talking to a potential buyer of your home is exactly how long your home has been on the market.  It is likely that the buyer already knows how long your home has been on the market and if you talk too much about that, they may try to get you to lower your price as a result.  Information about your house that is already in the system doesn’t need to be shared over and over again.  Let the house speak for itself. 
  • There is also no need to talk to a potential buyer about how much you spent on remodeling different areas inside the home.  The buyer doesn’t really care how much you spent fixing “x,y,z” , they just want a good and fair price.
  • If you talk to your potential buyers and you tell them that you are not willing to negotiate on the price from the start, it is likely that they buyer will shut down and won’t even make an offer.  Always be willing to negotiate and have a set lowest price in your mind and then don’t go below that price. 

Of course your number one priority when trying to sell your home is to sell it, however take a few of these  tips of what not to say to a potential buyer  to heart and you will likely end up with the result you are looking for. 

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtor Tucker Robbins.

Ins and Outs of Home Inspections

by Tucker Robbins

home inspectin

Whether you are selling your home or you are looking to buy a home, there are a few things that you need to know to help your home inspection go as well as it possibly can.  Home buyers need to know that the house they are buying is in good shape and home sellers need to be on the up and up when selling their home. When it comes to home inspections there are a few tips that can help the inspection go smoothly and the process be as stress free as possible. 

  • If you are selling your home and you have a home inspection on the schedule, do your part to make it easy on the inspector by getting your pets out of the house while he or she is doing the inspection.  Your home inspector may love and adore animals as much as you do but your pets being under their feet during the inspection will not make the job any easier. 
  • During a home inspection, typically the potential buyers are inside alone with the inspector and they may want to look around to take one last look at things before making a final decision.  If you want to make a good impression on those potential buyers, you may want to clean up the clutter you have left laying around.  Believe it or not clutter can cause a potential home buyer to walk away without making an offer.
  • As a home buyer don’t freak out if the home inspector comes up with a list of things that need to be taken care of in the house.  You need to realize that most houses have some sort of upkeep or maintenance that needs to be taken care of and that inspector’s are known for being nitpicky.   Realize too that most everything can be fixed.  Even the dreaded mold and radon.  Realize as well that home inspectors cannot predict the future and won’t be able to tell you how long something will last; they will just be able to tell you that it needs attention. 

Hopefully these tips will help you out the next time you have a home inspector coming to your home, whether you are selling or buying.  Remember that the home inspector is there to help you not to harm you or to ruin your dreams.

Courtesy of New Castle County Real Estate Expert Tucker Robbins.

Improvements To Sell Your Home

by Tucker Robbins


If you are thinking of selling your home this spring why not get started on some home improvements so that you can get your house ready to put on the market!  Below are a few ways you can get started on home improvements both inside and out.

  • A fresh coat of paint inside your home is a great way to improve the way your home looks and get it ready to put on the market.   Try to keep a neutral theme if you can when painting because you want others to be able to see themselves living in your home and not the other way around.  You will likely be amazed at just how much difference a fresh coat of paint will make to your home. 
  • Panting your front door a color that pops is a great way to get awesome curb appeal.  Many folks will love your home simply because it has a red door and it stands out above all the others in the neighborhood.  Use a pop of color on your front door to your advantage when trying to sell your home!
  • Pressure washing your home is a great way to make it shine if your home is vinyl siding.  You may have lived in your house so long that you forgot what color your siding actually is until you pressure wash it.  This is another way to have great curb appeal when you put your house on the market. 
  • If your house has columns at the front it may be a good time to replace them or at least give them a fresh coat of paint.  Over the years columns tend to expand and crack and make the house look older than it actually is.  Give your home a facelift by taking care of issues like these before you put it on the market.
  • Refinishing your hardwoods is another way to make your home look its best.  You can do this yourself or you may want to choose to hire someone to do it for you.  Either way, refinishing your hardwoods is a great home improvement idea!

Courtesy of New Castle County DE Real Estate Expert Tucker Robbins.

Displaying blog entries 81-90 of 105




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Contact Information

Photo of Tucker Robbins Real Estate
Tucker Robbins
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
3838 Kennett Pike
Wilmington DE 19807
(302) 777-7744 (direct)