Schools are closing for (hopefully) short periods all over the country, businesses are closing temporarily, and more people are staying put at home.  It’s hard not to be anxious during this time of uncertainty but
 staying home shouldn’t be a bad thing! Relieve some of the extra stress with any of these distractions for the kids, and yourself! 


Ideas for the Kids   

  • First and foremost, be certain you have some schoolwork time. Teachers and school administrators across the country are doing their best to keep your children learning, whether through online access or hard-copy work being sent home.  If having a designated area becomes tedious, allow them to make a work area on the floor, in a homemade tent, outside in the backyard--it doesn’t matter where it’s done, so long as they work on their assignments. 

  • If you have a book lover and can’t get to the library, check out these free read-aloud sitesStoryline Online is sponsored by the Screen Actors Guild, and you’ll find the likes of Betty White reading Harry the Dirty Dog;  Barnes & Noble has nineteen children’s classics; We Are Teachers has author read-aloud and activities for up to middle-school ages. 

  • You don’t have to be stuck inside--teach children the joy of old school games like Mother May I?, Simon Says, Red Light Green Light, hide and seek, and good old tag are all great games to play that you can participate in, and help the kids (and maybe you, too!) release some pent-up energy. Fatherly has some great ideas to play when you must be inside. 

  • Fun science experiments with common household items can be fun for everyone! 

  • When nerves start getting frazzled, the younger kids will like Cosmic Kids Yoga videos on YouTube. 


Tips for the Grown-Ups 

  • According to RescueTime, we are only truly productive for 2.8 hours per day. Taking that into consideration if you’re having to work from home, break up your work and the children’s learning time into two 90-minute periods, or three one-hour periods.   

  • Practicing social distancing simply means you’re not going out to public places, nor are you spending time with friends and family. Need to go for a jog? It’s fine! Need some reading time in the sunshine? Use your backyard or balcony!  

  • Start Spring cleaning, get the garden ready, or get to those little DIY jobs you’ve been putting off! 

  • Have you been wanting to learn a skill, like watercolor, knitting, or something else you can do at home? Look for instructional videos on YouTube and get started--you have no excuse! 

  • Check on your neighbors. If you can call them or text them, do; in the case of an elderly neighbor that lives alone, leave a note in their mailbox or taped to their front door with your phone number, asking them to call if there’s anything they need, even if it’s just to talk.

We must keep in mind that “This too, shall pass.” Some days will be harder than others during the next few weeks, but with a good attitude, and that adage in mind, you will get through. Stay connected to friends and family and remind yourself that you’re simply keeping yourself and your family members as safe as you can in uncertain times! 


Courtesy of New Castle County DE Realtors Tucker Robbins and Carol Arnott Robbins


Photo credit: esme